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The PMA Community

Public·137 members

Erick Larson
Official Instructor at Pinnacle Martial Arts🏔️ Instructor
🥋BJJ Black Belt

There has been some confusion recently and I wanted to clarify. Here is the forms schedule for Taekwondo students. Student will be trained on these forms during these months. When testing, you need to perform at least one level specific form.

Q1 | January, February, March

Intermediate ( Yellow and Green Belts)

Taeguk (3) Sam Jang

Advanced (Blue and Red Belts)

Taeguk (7) Chil Jang

Q2 | April, May, June

Intermediate - Taeguk (2) Ee Jang

Advanced - Taeguk (6) Yook Jang

Q3 | July, August, September

Intermediate - Taeguk (1) Ill Jang

Advanced - Taeguk (5) Oh Jang

Q4 | October, November, December

Intermediate - Taeguk (4) Sa Jang

Advanced - Taeguk (8) Pal Jang

Black Belts

1st Dans - Koryo

2nd Dans - Guemgang

3rd Dans - Taebek

American forms are auxiliary forms that are exclusive to our martial arts linege and are available to learn in forms class and black belt classes.


Welcome to the group! This group is meant to connect like mi...


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